
Mother To Lover

For The Woman In Partnership -

You’re the type of Woman who knows what she wants
and goes after it.

You’ve worked your a** off to get where you are now,
and it’s thrilling.

You’ve got the “success".
And yet, when it comes to your romantic partnership… it seems like the flame is dwindling.

Whether you’re married or in a long term relationship, this is completely normal.
And here are a few common mistakes women make that actually end up emasculating their men and slow poisoning your partnership:

1. Trying to do everything like you’re super woman and leaving no space for your man to bring value to your life
2. Not understanding the art of feminine communication
3. Nagging, controlling, and mothering your man instead of trusting him.

The truth is, we all do this at some point or another. Especially if babies come into the picture. And without the tools to go from being his nagging mother back to his adoring lover and sweet heart, it can feel really isolating and confusing.

You don’t have to be the alpha.
You don’t have to be the breadwinner.
You don’t have to burn out any longer.
You’re safe to lean back and receive support, adoration, and love..

That’s why I put together this 8 week private 1:1 coaching package just for you.
From Mother To Lover

Hey, I’m Taylor…

& I invite you to embark on an 8-week transformative journey that is dedicated to you and your relationship. This journey is for women who want to soften into their feminine energy and become the cherished lover for their male partners once again. It's not just a coaching program; it's an embrace of healing, communication, and deep, soul connection with your man.

Why This Journey Matters:

Love, like a flame, needs nurturing and attention to thrive. In the midst of life's demands, it's easy for the spark to wane. But the love that brought you together can be rekindled and made even stronger. This program isn't about quick fixes; it's about investing in lasting transformation, and making you his Lover and his sweet heart once more. And one of the most important pieces of all, let’s show our children what’s really possible in love. They are the future, and your love sets the tone.

What You'll Receive:

  • Eight weeks of personalized coaching sessions, each “Taylor-ed” to your unique journey with the feminine. (60 minutes)

  • Weekly check-ins and guidance to ensure steady progress.

  • Heartfelt support and tools to heal, communicate, and connect deeply with your man.

  • Eight weeks of WhatsApp support M - F

  • Investment: $4,000 (payment plan options available)

(Longer packages are available upon request)

If your heart whispers "yes, this is me" and you're ready to take this transformative journey, click here to book a call. Your love story is worth every effort, every tear shed, and every vulnerable cracking open moment. Together, we'll rekindle the love, strengthen the connection, and create a future filled with the warmth and tenderness you both deserve.

Warning: Side effects may include (but are not limited to) more sex, deeper intimacy, and totally worshipping your man and being worshipped by him in return. Polarity is a powerful tool. Use with caution. *Wink*

In 8 weeks where do you want to be with your beloved?

“My partner and I got into a huge fight and I was genuinely concerned it would be the end of us. But having Taylor in my back pocket was such a gift. She coached me how to communicate and inspire him in a completely new way. When we sat down to finish the “argument” I carried myself as we spoke about. Next thing I knew, he was cleaning the house, doing the dishes, bringing me coffee in bed, and showing up in a whole new way. Sometimes it’s the slightest shifts that can really change anything, and I would’ve had zero idea I was doing what I was doing without Taylor's help. Thank you, Taylor.” - Cait

”Speaking for myself, there's just such a new level of freedom and security in our marriage this week. We went through a lot in the beginning of our relationship and again once we were long-term and had moved in together. With all the trauma we faced early on, so many things were swept under the rug in the chaos and after we emerged from that chaos it is like we woke up married, in a new city and with a lot of baggage on things we had never dealt with from the back burner.

But not only has this work we have done with you helped us finally emerge free from that baggage, it also put me in touch with my own need for healing in areas I did not realize I still needed. I feel safer embracing new parts of myself I was very uncomfortable with and on the road to becoming more whole, putting together the scattered fragments of my identity, a process which started 5 years ago with my self and spiritual discovery that I was gay.

I'm understanding myself in a new light and way and accepting it! And I am doing the same with my wife, seeing her and her authenticity the way I did that first 3 weeks I fell in love! You are able to see through and then cut through the bulls*** and see the truth of what's happening, even with a tough little stubborn Taurus lol, and I highly recommend you as a personal relationship or one-on-one coach!” - Christina

“Taylor Carr’s expertise really goes beyond just helping the “single-gal”. I am recently married, and just facing some communication issues I’m sure are not new to any marriage - but hiring Taylor for marriage counseling was one of the best and most helpful decisions we made! Mind you…my husband and I also paid for an “official” marriage therapist - and the way Taylor was able to help us in comparison was ten-fold. She was able to help me break down some of my own barriers that cause me to shut down, while also helping my husband communicate calmly and put his ego aside when not needed. While I recommend it mostly - we literally have not had the same fight since our first session!!!! My favorite piece of advice - and I won’t say too much because honestly you should be paying her for this stuff…was “what is the result you desire”. Sometimes we don’t think about that before we speak, and when we’re heated, angry, or believe we’re right we keep pushing our point - so it really does take a lot of effort to stop yourself and ask yourself - “ok - what do I need to say to get the result I want”. I really hope to see Taylor Carr travel more into the couple’s world with her work moving forward! - THANK YOU!” - Allie